How can a bed sore be prevented?
When a person is confined to their bed for a longer period of time , they need careful attention and care either by family members who have been instructed by a nurse or doctor on how to take care of the patient's needs. The caretaker needs to carefully obverse and be aware of the potential forming of bed sores and take immediate action, if they do occur. It is crucial to keep turning the patient every couple of hours, to help prevent pressure sores from occurring.
2. Inspect the parts of the body where bedsores are most apt to occur: the heels, sacrum, knees, ears, shoulders and hips. Any sign of redness should be cause for concern. Keep weight off of any reddened spots, until all signs of redness are gone.
3. Keep the head of the person's bed flat, as much as possible. Raising the head causes the body to slump down deeper into the bed, which increases shearing force on the skin.
4. Use pressure-reducing aids in a bed or wheelchair. Mattresses and seat cushions containing sheepskin, foam, gel or air reduce pressure on the skin.
5. Clean skin as soon as it becomes moist from perspiration, excrement or wound drainage. Dampness that is allowed to linger on the skin increases the chance of breakdown.
6. Change sheets frequently. Choose sheets that are wrinkle-free and softened.
7. Massage the skin two to three times a day to increase circulation. Apply lotion liberally (Dermawound from Progressive Doctors Used in Wound Treatment Facilities Around the World | 6 oz
). Avoid massaging bony prominences.
8. Maintain adequate hydration. For optimal skin health, the body needs at least eight glasses of water a day.
How to manage Bedsores
1. Clean the bedsores and the skin with antibacterial cleanser. This is imperative to preventing serious infections from developing in the open wound.
2. Give the patient the required vitamins and minerals, which improve hydration and energy levels. Malnutrition contributes to the body not being able to fight against bedsores.
3. Inspect the skin and existing lesions to be sure there are no new bedsores, and that the existing sores are not deteriorating further.
4. Use padded materials such as foam, fiber or gels to relieve the pressure on the areas where bedsores are most probable or need to heal.
1. For a person on prolonged bed rest, consider renting a special rotation-type bed, such as the Roto Rest bed. This bed automatically turns and repositions the occupant, and it is loaded with pressure-reducing devices.
2. Keep a written turn schedule at the bedside. Every two hours, when you turn your patient, mark down whether you left him positioned on his back, right side or left side.
3. Stage-one bedsores can often heal themselves without intervention so long as the pressure is relieved from the area regularly. Once bedsores blister and open, seek proper medical attention to develop the proper course of treatment.
1. Any sign of redness should be considered a potential bedsore.
2. Don't massage reddened areas. This encourages further breakdown.
3. Never use a doughnut-cushion under the buttocks, because it decreases blood flow where the cushion sets against the skin.
4. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
bahaya juga ulser ini ea.
tq for the information :)
yr welcome aida.. yg ni lebih kpd pergerakan seseorg yg terbatas atau dgn lain perkataan kedudukan tubuh bdn yg tidak dialihkan pada kadar masa yg lama hingga menyebabkan berlakunya luka pd kulit krn kulit menjadi semakin nipis dan mudah koyak terutamanya kulit warga tua.. so kalu ada di kalangan family aida yg uzur dan tidak dpt bergerak elok andai tips2 diatas dipraktikkan.. :-)
gud tips and tq for sharing...its vy useful tips esp. for the caregivers who taking care of bedridden parent/any family member eg. stroke patient etc..
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Cheap Essay: tq so much for reading my articles.. :-)
Dinar: welcum & tq to u too :-)
Yuk. I honestly say that i have never seen these type of shore before. But i like your article which shows how to save our body from such shore.
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